Monday, March 2, 2009

What is Wellness?

I've been thinking a lot lately about wellness. This is probably since I promote products that are wellness related, so this topic is often discussed on my team and in trainings. But I haven't really thought about it, and whether I am pursuing it, lately.

I believe wellness can mean different things to different people. To me, wellness means that I have a healthy balance in my life. It means not just physical health, but also emotional health, having a clean & safe environment, being financially sound, as well as having spiritual health. I believe that often we focus on just one area of wellness instead of looking at the whole picture. And lately, I have come to realize even more just how interconnected these areas of wellness are.

After giving birth to my first daughter, I found myself very physically exhausted. Add to that the sleep deprivation after giving birth, and I struggled just to get through the days. Now, four months later, I am feeling much better physically, but still deal with being tired quite a bit. That, of course, affects my emotional health. I notice that when I am tired, I end up being more impatient and frustrated about little things. And I often neglect my spiritual health when I am tired, because I am just trying to get through the day. If I am not feeling emotionally or spiritually healthy, then it's easy to put off doing business, which in turn affects my financial wellness. I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. These areas of wellness are all related to one another, and you must be sure address all areas if you want to be healthy and successful.

So as I have been thinking about these things, I have also resolved to be sure and take care of myself. If it means taking a nap so that I'm not dragging through the day, then I will do it. If it means having my quiet time instead of doing something "fun', I will do it. If it means cleaning my home so that we have a peaceful & clean environment to live in, I will do it. If it means picking up the phone and making phone calls when I'd rather just watch TV, I will do it. I will continue to pursue these areas of wellness for the sake of my daughter and family!


Angela C said...

I just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying looking over your blog. I want to start working from home and I really have no clue on where to begin.

Esther Littlefield said...

Thanks for reading! I am glad you are enjoying it. Feel free to contact me if you have specific questions. It can definitely be overwhelming when you first start to look. You can contact me at littlefield {at} wedeliverwellness {dot} com. (written out to stop spammers)