Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tip of the Week: Make the Decision

What is one of the biggest differences between those who succeed and those who fail? The difference is those who have made a decision to succeed are much more committed to actually following through. Oftentimes, I talk to people who have big dreams and goals. But if they don't make a decision to stick with it, even when the going gets tough, then they often give up before they even have a chance to taste success. However, those who make that decision to persevere, no matter what, end up seeing the results of their hard work.

So what does "making the decision" actually mean? How can you put it into action? First, you need to really determine what your goals are, and WHY you are doing this business. What will it mean to you to reach your goals? How will it change your life? What if you DON'T reach your goals - how will that affect your family or your life? First think about these things, then WRITE them down. Then, decide if you are truly willing to commit to your goals, and if so, decide that you will do so no matter what. Lastly, write down your commitment and read it every day. You must keep this decision in front of you. Otherwise, emotions, other people, or circumstances may cause you to forget about that decision.

So, don't wait: Make your decision today and stick to it - NO MATTER WHAT!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Tip of the Week: Focus on Others

My tip for this week in building your business is to focus on the needs of others! So many times in home-based businesses, consultants & distributors are focused on their own goals and incentives, that they forget to focus on their customers or potential customers. While we all know we should focus on others, actually doing it can be difficult. It requires you to forget about your own goals, in a sense, and instead focus on the other person and how you can help them. However, most of the time when you do this, you end up reaching your own goals as well!

So, if you are feeling stuck, or your sales have not been what you want, or you aren't finding the partners you want for your business, perhaps you need to start looking at where your focus is. Are you getting up each day asking yourself, "What am I going to accomplish today?" or are you asking "Who can I help today?" While the first question is definitely worthwhile, the second question is actually the one that will take you places!

You see, in the long run, you must have people that know you, trust you, and like you in order to stay in business. And you can only do this by focusing on others and helping them with their needs and goals!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I have been thinking a lot lately about value. What does it mean, exactly? Value certainly means different things to different people, but I think that we can all agree that shoppers are looking for value. If you have a home based business, it's important that you understand this concept and offer value to your customers. Essentially, value is what sets you apart from your competitors.

First of all, value does not necessarily imply "low price," although many people may think this at first. Just because someone offers the lowest price does not mean that they offer the best value. Let's do a comparison here. If you wanted to buy a tent for camping during the summer, you could go to several different places to shop. You could go to Wal-Mart or K-Mart, and buy a tent for $40 or 50. You could visit LLBean and buy a tent for $150 or 200. Now someone might say that K-Mart had the best value, but when you consider that the tent you bought there might not be waterproof and might be broken by next summer, while the tent from LLBean has a lifetime guarantee and keeps you dry at night, most would agree that LLBean offered the better overall value. So when considering what you are offering your customers, don't worry if you don't have the lowest price around. What you should be concerned with is whether your price is fair and reasonable for the product or service you are offering. For example, if your price is $10 higher than the competition, but there is absolutely nothing to set that product apart, then yes, customers are going to go with the competition!

Secondly, value means customer service. When customers shop with you or your company, are they having a great shopping experience? Is it easy and convenient? If they have a problem, it is easily resolved? How do you treat your customers? Again, this is about setting yourself apart from the competition. If you don't do anything different or above and beyond your competitors, customers may not have a reason to keep coming back to you. One thing I do for my customers is send them a thank-you card when they join. It's a small gesture and doesn't cost me much at all, but it sets me apart from other places they might shop. It's lets them know that they are valued! So find ways to show your customers that you appreciate them, and do it today!

Thirdly, value means that the product or service is important to the customer and that it works! What is it about your products or services that make them different or better than others? Do the products do what they claim? Or does your company make claims without having proof to back them up? Customers will only shop for so long before they start to realize that there is not a difference. So consider what you are promoting to your customers and determine whether there is something unique or different - something that your customers will need and want.

As the economy is currently in a slump, it is more important than ever to offer value. If not, you'll be out of business before you know it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on other things that provide value to customers, or what you are doing to bring value in your business!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ground Floor Opportunities

I've been thinking lately about "Ground Floor Opportunities." I hear about these often, being that I am in the home business industry myself. I attend a women's networking meeting on a regular basis, visit online forums, and talk with others who have their own home business frequently. I often hear or read people referring to getting started with a "ground floor opportunity" in a positive light. In fact, one colleague's signature line in her email states: "Ask me TODAY about exciting new parties, new products and a GROUND FLOOR business opportunity!"

If you are someone who is searching for a home based business or just a way to earn some extra income, this idea of a "ground floor" business may appeal to you. "Ground floor" implies many things. Here are just a few that I can think of off the top of my head:
  • If you get in early, or at the start of the business, you will make more money than someone who joins later on.
  • If you get in early, you will have more of the potential market share.
  • If you get in early, you may have more direct contact with the company's corporate office.
While some people may look at these things as a positive thing, I actually feel that going with a newer company or one that is advertising a "ground floor" opportunity is not necessarily a good idea. I feel that a good company will have the same potential for income or for customers 10 years from now that it does right now. And you should have the same amount of potential support from the company whether you join earlier on or after the company is well-established.

Now I want to clarify - I am not saying that all "ground floor opportunities" are BAD. I am just saying that someone should not use this as their main reason for choosing a business. Unfortunately, I think some people jump on every new business that comes down the pike, hoping that the next one will be "the one." But all too often, those business that started as "ground floor" end up going under before you can blink. So I recommend considering companies that are well-established and have a solid track record of success, especially in this economic climate. This is not the best time to take a risk on a company that may or may not be here a year from now.

So if you are looking at your options and have been considering joining a "ground floor opportunity" or a business that is less than 5 years old, I strongly urge you to think twice and do your research!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Consistency & Persistence

Consistency and persistence are two of the most important character traits for anyone who wants to work from home. In any legitimate business, there must be time and effort invested before you see a return on your investment. To see a significant income, you will need to be consistent and persistent. What does this mean?

Consistency means that you work day after day without taking huge breaks. For example, working every day for 1 hour is more effective than working one day for 5 hours and then taking 4 days off, then working another 2 hours, and taking 3 days off. Even though you may have worked about the same amount of hours, you will probably see more results be doing something EVERY DAY, rather than working in big chunks and then taking a lot of time off. On my team, I encourage people who are working very part-time to at least do one thing every day - whether that is making a new contact, setting an appointment, or doing a customer follow-up. At least it kept them "in the game." People who take several days or weeks off have a MUCH harder time getting back into the saddle to work their business.

Persistence sounds similar to consistency, but it is a bit different. Being persistent means that you don't give up easily. It means that even when you hear "no" or have a bad day, you continue to put forth effort. Persistence means that you are not quickly discouraged and that you don't give up easily. In any home business, there will be days when you feel like giving up. You may feel like you aren't reaching your goals quickly enough or that you don't have the income you want. Now, a key point here is that if you are 100% sure that this is the RIGHT business for you, then I encourage you to be persistent and not give up! However, perhaps you have questions about whether this business is for you or perhaps the company is tanking, etc - then you may want to consider looking at other options if you are serious about ensuring your financial future. Personally I have been there, and I am very glad I made a switch. Even if I had persisted in the other business, I would still not have made the income I wanted since the compensation plan was not set up for success.

In closing, I encourage you to consider this question: If you were to interview yourself based on your current activities in your business, would you hire yourself? If you are being consistent and persistent, the answer will probably be yes! If not, it might be no. What can you do? Change your activities today and make sure they are in line with your goals. No matter what, do something every day in your business and keep working towards your goals despite the obstacles.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Looking for Leaders, Moms, Professionals who Want to Earn from Home

I am looking for some serious, motivated individuals to invest my time in and train to lead in my business. I work from home WITHOUT having to sell any products, go door-to-door, or purchase inventory.

When you get started this month, you can earn $1500+ over the next 3 months! That's a minimum paycheck of $500 for the next 3 months - it can be much more than that.

So, what would an extra $500 a month for the next 3 months mean to you? If you are someone who is hardworking, willing to be coachable, and have a strong reason why you need that extra money, then give me a call TODAY. If there's ever been a time to start your business, it is now. Our partner company grew by another $28 million in 2008, while the DSA reported a decrease in sales by 5-6% across the board. That means that this company is one of the ONLY growing home businesses out there!

When I got started with this business, I was skeptical because I had tried another business for 3 years and didn't get the income I wanted. I was also unsure whether this would really work. But now after over 2 years of experience with this company, I couldn't be MORE thankful that I gave it a try. It has allowed me to be at home the majoirty of the time with my baby girl. It means that we have not had to rely on credit cards or worry about losing our home. It means that we are headed to complete financial freedom in the future!

Serious inquires only Call Esther 207-249-9013 or request more info on my site. Note: requests for info via email only cannot be met as this business cannot be described or explained via email. Please provide an accurate phone number if you wish to explore this option. I am the only one who will be able to access your information - it will not be sold or used for spam.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Key to Improving Your Speaking Skills

In working from home, most of us deal with people over the phone or in person on a regular basis. If you work exclusively on the internet, this may not apply to you, although I am sure you still interact with others in various aspects of your life. I have been learning about ways to improve my interactions with others, as you have noticed in my previous posts. But one area that I hadn't considered is how to improve my speaking skills.

I have definitely come a long way in my speaking ability - from my first scary experience as a graduating 8th grader giving a speech to a large crowd (over 500 people) [my knees were literally knocking together] to now, when I have no problem giving a 45 minute presentation to a large group or one-on-one . However, there is always room for improvement, and I've been trying out a new technique to help improve my skills.

The technique that I am trying and highly recommend to you is recording yourself. I heard this idea on a training call a few weeks ago, and then it was solidified in my mind while reading Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Green Book of Getting Your Way. Gitomer says, "Recording your presentation will reveal every blemish, every error, and every weakness. It will give you a report card on your effectiveness." I have to completely agree! In the few times I have been trying this out, I have been amazed - no, appalled - at how I sound! No, it's not horrible, but I never realized how many times I say "um" while leaving a voicemail. So I have begun to focus on not saying "um" or "ah" but rather getting right to the point. I plan to also record some of my presentations so that I can hear how I sound and improve upon those as well.

So if you work with people in any capacity, I highly encourage you to begin recording yourself. Perhaps you don't do presentations or long talks, but even if you leave voicemails or do a "30-second commercial", you can benefit from recording yourself to see how you sound. Then you can improve on what you are saying and how you are saying it!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Show Sincere Appreciation

What is one of the main reasons people quit a job? Lack of appreciation. It's not lack of money or benefits, it's lack of appreciation. This can also translate over into marriage, teams, churches, etc. If people do not feel appreciated and valued, they are not likely to stick around.

In Dale Carnegie's book "How to Win Friends and Influence People", he says that the "big secret of dealing with people" is to give them honest and sincere appreciation. I completely agree that this is super-important, especially in a home based business. When you pick up a phone to call someone, they have to feel that they are more important than you. If they think you are just calling about your needs, then they will either blow you off or not respond. They need to know that you appreciate them and value them.

As a leader of my organization, I realize that I have often failed in this area. As I mentioned in my last post, I often jump to being critical and thinking of what the person needs to do differently, rather than just appreciating what they are doing right. I believe that if we can give appreciation more often to our team members, they will feel more valued and be more interested in sticking with their business. Again, many people choose a home business (or a job) not just based on the financial part, but on whether they will be valued and appreciated on a regular basis.

What are some ways that you can show appreciation?
  • A phone call. Simply picking up the phone to say, "I'm glad you are a part of my team" can really mean a lot to someone.
  • Recognizing them in front of someone else. Perhaps on a team call or at a meeting, you can mention something special about another person. Don't just say, "I appreciate you" - say why you appreciate them or mention a reason you are proud of them. Verbal praise in front of others can go a long way!
  • A thank you note or card. Send a little thank you card to let the person know you are thinking of them. Written notes through the mail are much more meaningful than emails or text messages.
  • A small gift. I don't recommend going out and spending a lot of money on all of your team members. However, perhaps you know someone who has been making an extra effort despite tough circumstances, or someone who has been a great leader on your team. Even an $5.00 gift card to a local coffee shop says a lot to them.
In closing, I'd like to challenge each of us to take time to show appreciation to someone today. As Carnegie says, "In our interpersonal relations, we should never forget that all our associates are human beings and hunger for appreciation."

Monday, March 9, 2009

Don't Criticize

Currently I am reading Dale Carengie's "How to Win Friends & Influence People." I decided to blog about the things I am learning from reading this book. I hope to apply these principles not only in my business, but also in the rest of my life. I am learning more and more that people will follow people that they like, people that make them feel special. So often we are trying to find people to work with, but perhaps we should be leading by example and allowing others to find us. I believe that the first principle in this book, "Don't criticize, condemn, or complain", will help us do just that.

This principle is one of extreme importance, I believe. I know for myself, it is so easy to fall into complaining and criticizing. Especially being a perfectionist, I hold high expectations for myself AND for others. So if they do not meet my expectations, I may end up criticizing them - if not out loud to them, then at least in my head. Unfortunately, even thinking these negative thoughts will affect the way that I interact with them work with them.

There are a few quotes from this chapter that really stuck out to me. I think Carnegie says it perfectly here: "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving." (p. 13) The key here is to recognize that nothing is accomplished by criticizing. It just makes people feel bad, and it rarely promotes any kind of change. This is the solution Carnegie offers: "Instead of condemning people, let's try to understand them. Let's try to figure out why they do what they do. That's a lot more profitable and intriguing than criticism; and it breeds sympathy, tolerance, and kindness."

So as we interact with others in our business life and our personal life, let's keep in mind that criticizing, condemning, or complaining will not help but only harm. Instead, let us seek to love, lift, and serve others.

Monday, March 2, 2009

What is Wellness?

I've been thinking a lot lately about wellness. This is probably since I promote products that are wellness related, so this topic is often discussed on my team and in trainings. But I haven't really thought about it, and whether I am pursuing it, lately.

I believe wellness can mean different things to different people. To me, wellness means that I have a healthy balance in my life. It means not just physical health, but also emotional health, having a clean & safe environment, being financially sound, as well as having spiritual health. I believe that often we focus on just one area of wellness instead of looking at the whole picture. And lately, I have come to realize even more just how interconnected these areas of wellness are.

After giving birth to my first daughter, I found myself very physically exhausted. Add to that the sleep deprivation after giving birth, and I struggled just to get through the days. Now, four months later, I am feeling much better physically, but still deal with being tired quite a bit. That, of course, affects my emotional health. I notice that when I am tired, I end up being more impatient and frustrated about little things. And I often neglect my spiritual health when I am tired, because I am just trying to get through the day. If I am not feeling emotionally or spiritually healthy, then it's easy to put off doing business, which in turn affects my financial wellness. I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. These areas of wellness are all related to one another, and you must be sure address all areas if you want to be healthy and successful.

So as I have been thinking about these things, I have also resolved to be sure and take care of myself. If it means taking a nap so that I'm not dragging through the day, then I will do it. If it means having my quiet time instead of doing something "fun', I will do it. If it means cleaning my home so that we have a peaceful & clean environment to live in, I will do it. If it means picking up the phone and making phone calls when I'd rather just watch TV, I will do it. I will continue to pursue these areas of wellness for the sake of my daughter and family!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Working with a Mentor

To be successful while working from home, it is helpful to work with a mentor (or two). Mentors can guide you, teach you, and challenge you. A mentor is not a boss - they don't tell you what to do. Instead, they help you determine what you need to do and how to get it done. And they gently confront you when you haven't followed through on your goals.

So where do you find a mentor to work with? Often it's someone within your business already - someone who has more experience or knowledge about your particular industry. Or it might be someone you've known in the past - a professor or colleague. Jeffrey Gitomer, in his Little Red Book of Sales Answers, suggests that you make a list of potential mentors, and find a way to build a relationship with them. Obviously, when choosing a mentor, you want to choose someone who is more successful than you are! That way, you can learn from their success. Jeffrey also suggests that you don't ask someone to be your mentor - they just become a mentor over time.

This is what has happened with me: One of my mentors is someone I have known since high school. She was my cheerleading coach, and I learned to respect her then. She pushed us to work hard - not just in cheering, but in academics, in relationships, in life in general. We lost touch when I went to college, but once I was back home & married, I ended up at her home for a scrapbooking party. Long story short, I began to build a business as part of her team with that company. She taught me so much along the way, but never pushed me more than I wanted to be pushed. Now, we work together in a different business, and I continue to learn from her to this day. I never asked her to become my mentor - it just sort of happened, and I am so thankful for her and all that I have learned. Now I've also found other mentors along the way, and have been inspired and challenged by them as well.

So, have you found a mentor? Have you been looking? For more tips on working with a mentor, visit www.gitomer.com, register, and then enter "Mentor Value" in the RedBit box.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Don't Let Others Steal Your Dreams

There are many obstacles to succeeding in a home business: time management, balancing family & business, developing skills, handling rejection, etc. But one obstacle - dream stealers - is a subtle, sneaky obstacle that you must be prepared for. Dream stealers are people or circumstances that make you believe that you can't succeed. Usually this is not purposeful - it might just be a slight comment, like "Oh, you're in one of those businesses." Often times it comes from the people you love the most - family & friends. They may be concerned for you and don't want you to get hurt, but in the process they slowly chip away at your confidence in your ability to succeed. Or sometimes it might be a circumstance, like your family getting sick or your baby screaming all evening. So how do you protect yourself against these dream stealers - these things that make you believe it isn't possible to succeed?

  • First, I believe you have to know that the business you are in is the right business for you & has a real potential for success. You need to know that the business has a track record of success and that average people like you are earning the income you desire. Be sure that this is not just hype - make sure that you can see the average earnings & proof of income. Also, you should know how much time you need to invest in order to see the income you want.
  • Second, you should team up with your support team and be sure to ask them for help. It's important that you go to positive people for guidance in your business. Don't go to the people who are negative or don't believe in you or the business.
  • Thirdly, you must invest in yourself. You must know that you can succeed and believe in yourself. If you feel you are at a deficit in certain areas of your business, be sure to find ways to improve. Reading books, finding resources online, taking a course at a local college can all improve your areas of weakness. If YOU believe that you can succeed, no one can take that away from you!!!
Finally, keep in mind that sharing your dreams with others is very special. Be sure to share your dreams only with those who you feel will support you. When you do this, you can let them know that you haven't shared this with many people, and it will also make the other person feel imporant. And always remember, if you happen to encounter a dream stealer, keep yourself protected and don't let them steal YOUR DREAMS!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Making the Decision or Making Excuses?

What is the difference between those people on my team who are successful and those who are not? The difference is that the ones who are successful have made a decision to work their business NO MATTER WHAT. They have a "no excuses" attitude and it pays off. Sure, they have challenges and set backs just like everyone else. But they do not let that stop them from pursuing their dreams and goals. However, the others are so wishy-washy that they never can get past the "getting started" phase. I often hear, "I am going to do this" or "This is going to be my goal" - but then I don't hear from that person for 3 or 4 weeks. And then we have the same conversation, and they say the same things. Once again, it's not followed by action. The next time I talk to them, the conversation is full of excuses about why they haven't done what we talked about previously.

You see, when someone makes a decision, they act on it - day in and day out. Some of these folks are so busy but yet they still take the time to make a few phone calls, follow up with customers, or make a few new contacts every day. The ones who have not made a decision do the opposite... they make excuses. And you want to know what the other difference is between these people? The ones who make the decision also make the money!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What's Important to Buyers in a Recession?

Since we are in a recession currently, it's essential to learn what is important to buyers during this time. Many people think that price is the only thing that concerns buyers, but that is not necessarily true. I believe that the most important thing to buyers during tough economic times is VALUE. Why Value? Because people want the best product for their dollar. When you are pinching pennies, don't you want to get the most bang for your buck? So what constitutes value?
  • A product that works and is reasonably priced. If a product is cheap but doesn't work, then it's basically a waste of money. But, if a product works really well and isn't overpriced, then it has VALUE.
  • A product that has scientific proof that it is effective. In this day and age of juices, vitamins, pills, and lotions that are supposed to heal and solve health problems, etc, it is hard to weed through all the claims and find the legitimate ones. That's where the science comes in. Customers want to know WHY & HOW something works - not just some testimonial about it. The science behind the product gives it VALUE.
  • A company that offers good customer service & guarantees. While I know that I can go to Wal-Mart and get a similar product that is offered at LLBean, I often go to LLBean because I know about their great customer service and their guarantee. Sure you might pay less up front at Wal-Mart, but if there's a problem with the product breaking down 5 years from now, you're more likely to get great service from LLBean. People VALUE being treated well and knowing that they can get their money back if they are unsatisfied.
  • Loyatly rewards. Customers have a choice where to shop - if they shop with you on a regular basis, reward them! They will probably shop with you for the above mentioned reasons, not because of the rewards. But the rewards will be an added bonus and will remind them of the VALUE of shopping with you. And if you have customers coming back to you over & over, you're in business.
When you are working from home, it's even more important to offer value to your customers. And if you are considering starting a business, keep this in mind. Ask yourself if the company has products that work and are reasonably priced? Does the company offer scientific proof to back up their claims? What about guarantees & customer service? Finally, are there loyalty rewards that either you or the company will offer? Be sure to offer VALUE to your customers, especially in these difficult economic times.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Moms Working From Home

Now that I am a mom, I am meeting even more moms who either want to work from home or are already doing so. The balance of caring for children and having a full-time job is really challenging for most moms. I can't imagine having to work full-time PLUS come home and care for my newborn. I am exhausted enough as it is, and I only work 10 hours a week outside of my home. So I completely understand and relate to the desire (and NEED, for most moms) to earn some extra income while also staying at home with the little ones. Some moms opt for having a home based business. But choosing the right one can be a challenge, especially when you've already got tons of other responsibilities to worry about.

So here are some tips for busy moms:
-Find out if the business will require you do to parties/shows (i.e. leave the house) and consider whether or not you want to do this.
-Find out about the products. This seems obvious, but I'm referring to a little more detail. Determine whether the products are something that the average person would buy. For example, jewelry is something that some people might buy, but not everyone. On the other hand, bath & body products or cleaning products are things that almost everyone has to buy.
-What is the price point? Now note that price is NOT the most important thing in someone's buying decision. However, VALUE is! So be sure that the products provide value (i.e. the price is reasonable and the products are exceptional). If the price is TOO high, most people won't purchase. But if the products are not unique, people won't buy even if the price is reasonable.
-How does the compensation work? Will you have to track your sales and take commissions, etc? Or will the company generate a check to you? Will you earn residual income or will you need to find new customers for income next month?
-What is the growth record of the company? And how does the company do in a recession? This is especially important right now since we are in a recession currently. A lot of companies, such as juice companies that sell an expensive product that most people aren't already buying, are struggling right now. Find out if the company you're considering is doing well or struggling (and if they won't tell you, that's a sign to stay away).

If you have other tips for moms considering working from home, be sure to leave them in the comments!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sales Book Review

One of my New Year's Goals is to take the time to read one book a month that will help me in my business. This can be a personal development book or a book specific to business - but the goal is to help me improve in the areas that I lack in and become a more effective business person. So the first book I am reading is Jeffrey Gitomer's "Little Red Book of Sales Answers." I received this book from my mom for Christmas, and I just started reading it the other day. I am already engrossed in the book and I am learning a lot! Here are some of the things I am enjoying:
  • The book is set up in 6 different sections that are easy to follow.
  • In each section, there are several questions that sales people ask, and then he provides the answer. These are not your typical pat answers - they are answers that you can actually use and apply.
  • There is a wealth of info in this book. Even if you are not in sales, you could still learn a lot about personal relationships and interactions in this book.
  • This is the kind of book you want to have handy, and you can read one or two answers a day just to stay sharp!
So if you have a home business and are looking to expand your skills, I highly recommend this book!