Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Business Tips for Success

I'm going to share some notes that I took last night on a training call with one of the top leaders in my business. I really enjoyed the call, and since she is earning over $100,000 per month with our company, I figured that it's a good idea to follow her advice:

  • It's Up to YOU! You have to make a decision to be successful with your business. Your success is up to you. You can't blame others if you don't succeed.
  • Have to be willing to sacrifice. There are things that you will need to sacrifice in the short-term in order to have a long-term gain. This might be things like your favorite TV show, going out with friends, or other activities you'd like to do. In the end, it will be worth it!
  • Find a mentor and have them hold you accountable.
  • Set attainable goals. You should have short-term and long-term goals and have a "whatever it takes" attitude.
  • Know who to work with and know when to walk away. Many business builders try to work with the people who are not really serious - and they get frustrated. Go by what people do, not what they say. Work with those who are coachable.
  • Stay in touch with your new builders and help them get the biggest first check possible. Once someone sees that this can work, they will continue to stick with it.
  • Keep your attitude positive. If you are negative, you will bring down others around you and you will not attract success.
  • Remember that in our business, no one can get hurt. Unlike many other companies out there, there is truly no way for someone to lose money or get hurt.
I love that last part! There is truly no way for someone to get hurt in our business. I recently connected with someone online who is in another company right now. She shared that she is not getting much support and she is being told that they aren't going to "hold her hand". Not to mention that she had to invest over $1,000 to get started! Wow, that is a set up for people to get hurt. After researching more about the company, I have read many similar stories, including people that have been encouraged to spend tens of thousands of dollars on the business - but yet they aren't earning any money! One thing I love about my company is our focus on helping others to get OUT of debt, not into more debt.

I hope these tips were helpful. Feel free to add a comment with your tips as well.

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