Monday, February 16, 2009

Don't Let Others Steal Your Dreams

There are many obstacles to succeeding in a home business: time management, balancing family & business, developing skills, handling rejection, etc. But one obstacle - dream stealers - is a subtle, sneaky obstacle that you must be prepared for. Dream stealers are people or circumstances that make you believe that you can't succeed. Usually this is not purposeful - it might just be a slight comment, like "Oh, you're in one of those businesses." Often times it comes from the people you love the most - family & friends. They may be concerned for you and don't want you to get hurt, but in the process they slowly chip away at your confidence in your ability to succeed. Or sometimes it might be a circumstance, like your family getting sick or your baby screaming all evening. So how do you protect yourself against these dream stealers - these things that make you believe it isn't possible to succeed?

  • First, I believe you have to know that the business you are in is the right business for you & has a real potential for success. You need to know that the business has a track record of success and that average people like you are earning the income you desire. Be sure that this is not just hype - make sure that you can see the average earnings & proof of income. Also, you should know how much time you need to invest in order to see the income you want.
  • Second, you should team up with your support team and be sure to ask them for help. It's important that you go to positive people for guidance in your business. Don't go to the people who are negative or don't believe in you or the business.
  • Thirdly, you must invest in yourself. You must know that you can succeed and believe in yourself. If you feel you are at a deficit in certain areas of your business, be sure to find ways to improve. Reading books, finding resources online, taking a course at a local college can all improve your areas of weakness. If YOU believe that you can succeed, no one can take that away from you!!!
Finally, keep in mind that sharing your dreams with others is very special. Be sure to share your dreams only with those who you feel will support you. When you do this, you can let them know that you haven't shared this with many people, and it will also make the other person feel imporant. And always remember, if you happen to encounter a dream stealer, keep yourself protected and don't let them steal YOUR DREAMS!

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