Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Making the Decision or Making Excuses?

What is the difference between those people on my team who are successful and those who are not? The difference is that the ones who are successful have made a decision to work their business NO MATTER WHAT. They have a "no excuses" attitude and it pays off. Sure, they have challenges and set backs just like everyone else. But they do not let that stop them from pursuing their dreams and goals. However, the others are so wishy-washy that they never can get past the "getting started" phase. I often hear, "I am going to do this" or "This is going to be my goal" - but then I don't hear from that person for 3 or 4 weeks. And then we have the same conversation, and they say the same things. Once again, it's not followed by action. The next time I talk to them, the conversation is full of excuses about why they haven't done what we talked about previously.

You see, when someone makes a decision, they act on it - day in and day out. Some of these folks are so busy but yet they still take the time to make a few phone calls, follow up with customers, or make a few new contacts every day. The ones who have not made a decision do the opposite... they make excuses. And you want to know what the other difference is between these people? The ones who make the decision also make the money!

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