Friday, October 2, 2009

Tip of the Week: Focus on Others

My tip for this week in building your business is to focus on the needs of others! So many times in home-based businesses, consultants & distributors are focused on their own goals and incentives, that they forget to focus on their customers or potential customers. While we all know we should focus on others, actually doing it can be difficult. It requires you to forget about your own goals, in a sense, and instead focus on the other person and how you can help them. However, most of the time when you do this, you end up reaching your own goals as well!

So, if you are feeling stuck, or your sales have not been what you want, or you aren't finding the partners you want for your business, perhaps you need to start looking at where your focus is. Are you getting up each day asking yourself, "What am I going to accomplish today?" or are you asking "Who can I help today?" While the first question is definitely worthwhile, the second question is actually the one that will take you places!

You see, in the long run, you must have people that know you, trust you, and like you in order to stay in business. And you can only do this by focusing on others and helping them with their needs and goals!

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