Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tip of the Week: Make the Decision

What is one of the biggest differences between those who succeed and those who fail? The difference is those who have made a decision to succeed are much more committed to actually following through. Oftentimes, I talk to people who have big dreams and goals. But if they don't make a decision to stick with it, even when the going gets tough, then they often give up before they even have a chance to taste success. However, those who make that decision to persevere, no matter what, end up seeing the results of their hard work.

So what does "making the decision" actually mean? How can you put it into action? First, you need to really determine what your goals are, and WHY you are doing this business. What will it mean to you to reach your goals? How will it change your life? What if you DON'T reach your goals - how will that affect your family or your life? First think about these things, then WRITE them down. Then, decide if you are truly willing to commit to your goals, and if so, decide that you will do so no matter what. Lastly, write down your commitment and read it every day. You must keep this decision in front of you. Otherwise, emotions, other people, or circumstances may cause you to forget about that decision.

So, don't wait: Make your decision today and stick to it - NO MATTER WHAT!

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