Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Handling Rejection

Part of any home business is knowing how to handle rejection. Oftentimes, we as business people take rejection personally. Instead, we need to recognize that rejection usually means that it is not the right time for the potential customer. Of course, our attitude, demeanor, and appearance can attract or repel people. But ultimately, rejection is simply a way of someone saying "it's not the right time."

So many people in my business have joined our company after literally years of being approached and then saying no, over and over. Ultimately, they saw the benefits of our company and that it truly is different. So when I talk to people and they say no, I have to remember that they may end up saying yes at a different time.

In addition, sometimes people continue to chase someone down after they say "no." Instead, it's important for us to recognize that we will continue to build our business regardless of that particular person. Therefore, we can have a more laid-back approach and realize that it is not the end of the world if this person says no or stands us up for an appointment. That's the importance of having a strong contact list and strong posture as well.

This is something that takes time and a willingness to learn from others. I am still learning, and I hope to continue to learn in the future. I also hope to inspire others and teach them how to handle rejection appropriately.

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