Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Making the Decision to Work

I recently went to my business convention, and I had an excellent time. Despite being 7 months pregnant and getting less sleep than is necessary, I loved the convention and learned so much. I felt as though my brain just could not take in all the information! However, I did learn a few things that I really want to apply to my business here at home.

First of all, I learned how important it is to make the decision to work. When you own a home based business, you don't have a boss and you don't have anyone telling you what to do. With my business, thankfully, I do have a great support team and people who will hold me accountable. However, it is still up to me to actually get to work! So the decision to work - I mean really work - your business is an important one. I see so many people getting started "hoping" to build a business. Well, those folks rarely go anywhere, because they never really made a commitment to do it no matter what. For me, something I came home with after convention was a newfound commitment and a decision to reach my goal no matter what. I don't care what comes in the way or what people might try to tell me. I will work this business no matter what, and I will succeed.

Secondly, I learned the importance of teaming up with others. Without helping others, I will go nowhere in this business. That is one of the reasons I love my company - because we MUST help others achieve their goals in order to achieve our own. I learned that if I want to really help someone get started, then I need to work with them on a daily basis and be there to support them. Without that daily support, they may get discouraged or allow others to destroy their dreams. I want to be there for my team in the good and the bad times.

Finally, I learned the importance of keeping a positive attitude and mind-frame. Today on the radio I heard a famous talk-show host talking about something - it had nothing to do with business, but it totally applies! He was saying, "Don't hang around people who whine and complain all the time. If you do, you will surely get dragged down into that mindset." This is so true! As they say, "Misery loves company." It's easy to get discouraged when someone brushes you off, or when you get a "no", or when you don't reach a goal you had. However, if you keep a positive mindset, you are much more likely to achieve your goals than if you let things get you down and begin whining and complaining. I am still working on this area, and even tonight I had to remind myself not to let something get me down. As one of our speakers at convention said, "Count your blessings every day rather than counting your obstacles."

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